San Saba pecan

The San Saba pecan has been a subject of pecan lovers all over the country for many years now. This region of Texas, known as the “Pecan Capital of the World”, has been producing sought-after pecan varieties since the late 1800’s and is still famous to this day for it’s hub location for buying and selling pecans. Our great-great grandfather, E.E. Risien, recognized the significant role that San Saba played in his pecan harvest. In fact, he even paid tribute to this tiny town by naming one of the varieties that he developed the “San Saba Improved”. There are many philosophies for why this area of Texas is an ideal place to grow pecans. Some people say a San Saba pecan grows so well here because of the loamy soil and still others attribute it to the many miles of river that run through it. Our family is fortunate to have both of these components in our orchards. In fact, at the north end of our orchard is where the San Saba and Colorado rivers meet. This place, referred to as the mouth of the river, provides a steady flow of water to nourish our trees. And as you will see in this picture I’m not the only one who finds this place special. It seems as though God was looking down and smiling at this very place when He blessed us with the presence of this extraordinary rainbow that fell right down into our orchard. We were fortunate to admire this view from our back deck after a nice rainfall a few months ago. Winston saw it first and called out for our girls and I to join him outside. When we ran out back to the deck we were greeted with this spectacular array of colors. It reminds me of the promise that God made thousands of years ago to Noah and I felt like He was talking to us and promising that He would continue to bless our agricultural efforts right in this very orchard. With the San Saba wholesale pecan catching the attention of consumers around the globe for many years now, we are incredibly grateful that our one hundred year old trees are able to serve our customers even to this

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